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Failure and treatment method of screw drilling tools

Failure and treatment method of screw drilling tools

The author:admin    source :未知    Published time:2018-08-08 13:43    views:

Anomaly 1: Pressure of gauge rises suddenly.

Possible causes: motor stall, motor drive shaft card dead, or bit plugged blocked

Methods of judgment and treatment:Motor stall:Rise the drilling tool 0.3-0.6m, checks the cyclic pressure, gradually adds the drilling pressure, the pressure gauge along with it gradually rises, if all is normal, may confirm is the stall.Motor drive shaft card dead, or bit plugged blocked:The pressure gauge readings are still high when the drill is raised off the bottom, and only the drill tool can be inspected or replaced.


Anomaly 2: Pressure goes slow down

Possible causes: Cyclic pressure loss changes, drill pipe damage

Judgment and treatment method: Check the drilling fluid flow rate, rise drill toola little, if the pressure gauge reading is still lower than the circulation pressure, put forward the borehole inspection.


Anomaly 3: No footage

Possible causes: Formation change, motor stall, by-pass valve in "open position", Cardan shaft damage, bit damage.

Judgment and treatment method: Changes the drilling pressureand cyclic flow appropriately (must be in the allowable position).The pressure gauge readings are high,lift drill tool off bottom, check cyclic pressure,starting from small drill pressure, increase drilling pressure gradually .The pressure gauge readings are low,rise drill toola little, start and stop drilling pump two times if it is still invalid, you need to put forward the hole, replace the check bypass valve.Pressure fluctuations often, rise drill toola little, pressure fluctuation range smaller, should take drilling tools out, check replacement, or replace a new drill.




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Mudanjiang TianHe Import and Export Co .,Ltd was founded in 2010 , the registered capital of 1 million yuan, the company is mainly engaged in oil drilling equipment, mining machinery and all kinds of import and export business, main products are: drill accessories, drill pipe, drill collar, centrali...

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